Version English


Please find attached at the end of this document our financial information for the last 3 fiscal years. These are copies required by the government agencies and they are presented in the format requested by these. It is important to mention that our financial data does not represent Survival´s revenue potential. As discussed before, we have grown organically around the incoming opportunities that were presented to Dr Ruth Groisman over the years, and our organisation grew mainly to Support her research, development and management activities.

We made a conscious decisión to limit the growth of the organisation in order to maintain a healthy personal lifestyle; therefore, to fully understand our organisation´s potential, the financial data needs to be considered in this light.

A recent example of the true capacity of our organisation can be seen in some of our product lines such as Stop Calory. We sol dan average of 70,000 units/month, reaching an anual revenue of U$S 9 million, before selling the Brand and formulae to one of our competitors. Today, that product line is still in the market and belongs to Teva Tuteur, one of the largest pharmaceutical global companies.

Survy, a protein concéntrate of high biological value, is another example of Survival´s potential in the market. In this case, through 13, 000 units/month we reached U$S 4,800,000/year


In this category, we would need to include a wide range of activities: from the design, development and production of a particular product line for a client, to consulting work for local and foreign organisations wanting to enter the Latin American market.

Unlike more traditional organisations which can be analysed through product line volumes and margins, Survival today concentrates in the more “creative” end of the spectrum. Today we work with about 20 clients across the “front-end” lifecicle of their products. We help them conceive, design, test, approve, source, produce, Support and adapt new products into our local market.

Combining our capabilities with those of large scale marketing and rigorous sales management has been extremely successful for us and our partners many times in the past. We are happy to explore a new relationship wich maximices our impact.


Due to the “organic” characteristics of our business, we currently do not need to work around a Budget. Whenever we are part of a new campaign, we are able to créate and manage budgets.


  • 200m2 2 storey building in the privileged área of Palermo Hollywood, completely owned by the organization. Building and land value today at U$S 2,500,000. It is important tos ay that the área where this building is located is the fastest growing área in the city of Buenos Aires. All forecasts show that the value of the land in this part of the city will continue to increase beyond normal rates in the next 2 years. In addition, SURVIVAL SRL has got permission to build a third floor, increasing the total área to 3,000m2.
  • Full Government certifications for the production of dietary foods, medicines and other pharmaceutical products, herbal products for medicinal use, cosmetics, veterinary products; assembly and packaging of pharmaceutical, veterinary, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, import/export of dietary supplements, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, including non-sterile liquids and semi-solids; production of dietary supplements; production of dietetic and non-dietetic bakery products; import/export of foods. We are also certified in Best Practices of Manufacture (Germany) and in Kosher production of foods, by the Argentinean Rabbinate.
  • Certificate of registration and ownership of a range of dietetic products, dietary supplements and cosmetics.
  • Several brands, trademarks and copyrights.
  • Pipeline of recently registered products and not yet launched.
  • Machinery for fractioning, weighing, storing, mixing, testing, filtering, etc. All in perfect worfking order and maintenance.
  • Our Brand, prestige and reputation in the market.
  • Our network.


a) Dr. Ruth Groisman is one of Argentina´s most renowned professionals in the pharmaceutical industry due to her contribution to the private and public sectors.

Dr. Ruth is the Chief Executive of Survival SRL, based in Argentina.

Named “Businesswoman of the year” in 1994, Dr. Ruth combines a deep expertise (and Passion) for the design of novel solutions on medicines, cosmetics, supplements and foods with an ability to navigate Latin-American bureaucracies and make things happen. Dr. Ruth has been honored with several awards such as the “Alicia Moreau de Justo”, for her work in the field of nutrition in Argentina.

Dr. Ruth is one of the Argentinean representatives for the Codex Alimentarius (dietary supplements). She also acts for the Argentinean Chamber of Commerce (CACIPRA) in IRAM (National Certification Body) and sits in advisory boards of organizations such as HACCP and BPHL (Best Practice in Food Production). Dr. Ruth also represents the Argentinean Chamber of Dietetic Products in the COPAL (Latin-American Coordination of Food Companies), Director of the Argentinean Chamber of Commerce (CACIPRA) and an active member of the Institute of Food Technologists.

Technical Director f several local and international organizations / initiatives, Dr. Groisman spends her time often helping translate visions into actual product lines and the penetration of new markets.

Dr. Ruth Groisman is often consulted by the media (TV, radio and the press) in the field of foods and nutritional products. She is very active in the conference circle, usually chairing national and international meetings.

Dr. Ruth Groisman is graduate from Pharmacy and Biochemistry National University and since 1968 has created well over a hundred products for the medical, veterinary, cosmetic and food industries, many of which can be seen in the market today.


b) We have a full time technical workforce of 5 individuals, who focus on production and day-to-day-quality assurance. We contracto ut all other áreas, such as administration, payroll and finance, security, maintenance and overal QA.

We work with very strong partnerships, where each party brings their core competencies around the creation and launch of a particular product line.

In most cases, our partners look after the distribution and sales, while we design, register and produce the products.

Our flexible workforce model allows us to quickly react to market changes. We use temporary resources at peak times, whilst maintaining our obligations as employers, at very manageable levels.

Depending on our new commitments, plans and priorities, we will then be able to `resource our staff appropriately. Our physical space and government licenses are designed for a workforce of about 120 individuals.